It has taken us two years to settle the loan, but at last we are paid up. 为偿付那笔债务花了我们两年时间,但终于付清了。
All expenses have been paid up. 一切费用都已经开销了。
The debt has been fully paid up, there is no balance. 全数还清,并无下欠。
They paid up for the privilege. 他们买断了优先购买权。
B: No, I don 't.The apartment we are living in now is fully paid up. 我没有任何贷款,我现在住的房子已经供完了。
Conspirators were paid up to$ 6,000 each time they used counterfeit Chinese passports to trick test administrators into thinking they were the person who would benefit from the test score, a federal grand jury charged. 联邦大陪审团称,顶替者用伪造的中国护照蒙骗监考人员,每次酬劳高达6千美元。
Fees for that course must be paid up front. 那门课程的学费必须提前缴付。
So when he was next kidnapped in1990, Nina paid up only$ 34m, half the requested amount. 因此,他在1990年再度遭绑后,龚如心只支付了勒索赎金的一半&3400万美元。
Why, didn't you tell me only the other day that you'd paid up all we owed for groceries? 可是,就在前几天,你不是告诉我你已经把我们欠下的买食品杂货的帐都还清吗?
If your parcel is lost or damaged, compensation may be paid up according to the fee paid. 你的包裹如遗失或受损,可能会根据所付的费用来支付赔偿。
While several hundred Greek businesspeople owing more than 1 00000 in unpaid taxes have been arrested over the past three months, only a handful have paid up. 尽管在过去三个月里有数百名欠税超过10万欧元的希腊商人遭到逮捕,但只有少数补缴了税款。
I paid up the rest of money. 我把余款缴完了。
So far our effort paid up as these creations are always lively and welcomed for all viewers. 直到现在我们依然在为能够这些形象能够更加生动以及更能为人们所接受而努力着。
Make two more repayments to clear the debt He paid up without any more ado. 再付两笔款把债还清他不再啰嗦就付了钱。
Olivia mentioned, her parents bought the house when they were young, and housing loan has been fully paid up, so there is not too much economic pressure. Olivia提到,家里的房子是父母年轻时候已经买下,房贷已经付清,因此家里没有特别大的经济压力。
He paid up without any more ado. 他不再啰嗦就付了钱。
Owners of 80,000 trademarks paid up. 结果,有8万个商标的所有者为此支付了费用。
He's paid up with the right people. 他已经收买了当权者。
Sometimes during examinations, my siblings and I had to stand before the severe-looking nuns and beg them to allow us to take the exams even though our school fees weren't paid up. 有时考试的时候,由于我们没有付清学费,我们三个不得不站在表情严厉的修女面前求他们允许我们参加考试。
They huffed and puffed about the price but eventually they paid up. 他们大声抱怨价钱太贵,但是最后还是付了钱。
When money is paid up in advance of calls upon the footing that the same shall carry interest such money shall carry interest accordingly and shall not confer a right to participate in profits. 如果提前支付了款项,这些钱亦将相应地生得利息,但没有权力参与公司利润股息。
US companies are facing fresh pressure from regulators and shareholders to rein in excessive executive pay as research shows chief executives have been paid up to 10 times more than their top lieutenants. 美国公司正面临来自监管机构和股东的新一轮压力,要求它们控制过高的高管薪酬,因为有研究表明,首席执行官的薪酬最多可比他们的副手高出10倍。
Statistically speaking, you will be paid up to one-third more money throughout your career and have a significantly better chance of becoming a chief executive than your colleagues in the front row of the photo. 从统计学上讲,与那些在照片中站前排的同学相比,你在整个职业生涯中获得的薪金将比他们高三分之一,而且绝对更有机会成为一名首席执行官。
He finally paid up six months later. 他终于还清了全部债务,但晚了6个月。
They said that unless I paid up, they would take me to court. 他们说除非我还清欠款,否则就要和我打官司。
Are your taxes paid up to date? Are there any tax issues to be addressed? 公司是否及时付税?是否有需处理的税务问题?